The Twin Cities offers a wide range of sober living options. Here are a few questions to consider before making your decision:


Our founder, Father Fleming, aka Colonel Fleming, was the head of the US Army’s Chaplain Corp. He founded Trinity upon the concept of “Dress Right, Feel Right.” To him the “Dress Right” part meant: give a man a good home, get a pleasing, well-kept and comfortable environment, treat him with dignity and the respect he deserves, ask him to achieve and then you can make a new man out of him and he will “Feel Right.”  With all the love in his heart, Father Fleming brought that Army discipline to home helping men regain their love of life, and their dignity and respect through sobriety and Trinity Sober Homes.


At Trinity Sober Homes, we prefer to take a trust and verify approach to house management. That means we have fewer rules and we trust you more. Responsible residents want more freedom with more accountability. Our experience has taught us that mixing twenty-somethings with forty/fifty/sixty-somethings can create some very real challenges. For some people, this generational difference can be positive, for others it can be a distraction. Trinity Sober Homes offers solutions for responsible male residents age 40 and older.


Our experience has shown us that many people think they will only spend a few months at a sober house. For many people the sober house becomes home. The joy and personal fulfillment of living in community is at the core of Trinity Sober Homes. As a result, we have developed a reputation as a place where men can exhale, relax, and settle into a place they call home. The result is our men tend to stay longer our sober homes (average length of stay is 19 months).

Spiritual Coaching

We believe a strong spiritual program is critical for long-term sobriety. All residents are provided one-on-one guidance with a spiritual coach and life-coaching sessions.


Our founder, Father Fleming, aka Colonel Fleming, was the head of the US Army’s Chaplain Corp. He founded Trinity upon the concept of “Dress Right, Feel Right.” To him the “Dress Right” part meant: give a man a good home, get a pleasing, well-kept and comfortable environment, treat him with dignity and the respect he deserves, ask him to achieve and then you can make a new man out of him and he will “Feel Right.”  With all the love in his heart, Father Fleming brought that Army discipline to home helping men regain their love of life, and their dignity and respect through sobriety and Trinity Sober Homes.


At Trinity Sober Homes, we prefer to take a trust and verify approach to house management. That means we have fewer rules and we trust you more. Responsible residents want more freedom with more accountability. Our experience has taught us that mixing twenty-somethings with forty/fifty/sixty-somethings can create some very real challenges. For some people, this generational difference can be positive, for others it can be a distraction. Trinity Sober Homes offers solutions for responsible male residents age 40 and older.


Our experience has shown us that many people think they will only spend a few months at a sober house. For many people the sober house becomes home. The joy and personal fulfillment of living in community is at the core of Trinity Sober Homes. As a result, we have developed a reputation as a place where men can exhale, relax, and settle into a place they call home. The result is our men tend to stay longer our sober homes (average length of stay is 19 months).

Spiritual Coaching

We believe a strong spiritual program is critical for long-term sobriety. All Trinity Sober Home residents are required to attend 12 step meetings, meet with a sponsor, and perform service work. In addition all residents are provided one-on-one guidance with a spiritual coach, including a written plan, monthly reviews, and life coaching sessions.